The second treaties on
In my goings
I shine in the beaming pleasures of doting statesmen.
In youngness and the acquaintance passerby should pride on notice
at unusual heights:
How handsome
how bright
how kind-minded.
Aura’s speak a secret song in the heart of my mind
where all language begins and begins murders.
Attention is our scalpel
dotted lines and painted footsteps trace the carnival.
I might leap in the outlines of monstrous bounds
did tyrannosaurus drool?
no evidence.
or doubt
The beam is a positive reciprocity,
feeling earned,
lifts the beacon and beaconed.
I am deigned
and you are that that deigns,
or otherwise
being such,
we charm in our rain of confetti.
Save dissident pangs for walking
where we move ourselves ourselves.
Imperatives are followers from
Going or not is the doing
Speaking is always almost meaning.