Between real and eternity
England New
mixes give-in in its resilient pride
is itself once
certainty in doubt shines and decays
certainty in doubt shines and decays
remains in its transcendence
Saratoga smells old dry wood and copper baking tins
Dust is only unevenly
A fish and a jelly mold
Cragsmor sounds of woodpecker knows
Is always autumn
Birch bark crust
and grass
all brittle with crows
I think I should hear the rustle of sheep
Or cow bells
Footsteps can carry so much
Sometimes it's hard to tell if I am where
How far can I travel in a look?
Appalachian hills are frightening when they close
It sticks in me they close in on many
Such is seduction
Paradise and turmoil still
dispels when it’s too much to forget