david jacobsen loncle

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xxxxiv - oh is the sound of the earth


guidance garbled

oh is its own

sounding itself

arrival and return


scoff is the fanfare of failure

is the sound

of an allergy to possibility

afraid itself of itself


that the materials of the world

are only few and being few

take as they give away

and reduce our hearts to a romance

made the same as absurdity


the moon sheds its tears

and wets the souls of all their worldly weights

watches a falling leaf

flitting in its flying air

floating in a nothing

of what despite how

all the secrets of the world

are in our eyes

just beyond us

scoff because right now

it’s not enough for us

and it’s more than we can bear

standing with its bearing

 speaks a sillhouette

as moving shadows

move us

and reflections

move as we do

the rest is in between

like a mystery presiding

you don’t know what it is

until you do

then it’s it you are

being done


without conviction to -

the illusion

what -

and are



without conviction to -

the illusion

what -

and are


fill us up

to take it

to take it earnest

is a proof it hasn’t mistreated you

and the gateway to disillusion

or disgrace


mind it to the never

love is all

you need but

it isn’t enough

for your love

for the size

of your life

with your love

you go on

trying despite

despite trying

your life

is still just

keeping and searching

for and

for itself

and its end

made of


is it

is it




is the sound of the earth



is the generosity of listening

and the gift of hearing oneself the one

to whom we mustn’t speak

for fear we’ll find a listener



is the sound in the quiet

between the noise

noising its weight on our body

we’ve forgotten until

until we know it in its lifting


oh is the arrival

of our self

to our knowing

at the balance

we call wisdom


it isn’t

but the holding

cats cradle

walking wires

knotted noose

shape suggested

mystic maze

now up is down and both are neither

oh is the sound of the earth

For the senses are weak and erring, nor can instruments be of great use in extending their sphere or acuteness; all the better interpretations of nature are worked out by instances, and fit and apt experiments, where the senses only judge of the experiment, the experiment of nature and the thing itself.

Francis Bacon