CONversations witH the sphInx
Conversations with the Sphinx
In keeping and finding
no balance have we had
we move or we are moved by a moving
or, is the way of things
to steward is to remake our worthy hold anew
for ourselves
so that others
will like us
and being like us
we can stay
away the lonely
save us lonely ones
burning life is the snuff of life
newborns clinch their eyes
and seek the dark
they know lights fracture the mind
into things
at a distance away
where we don’t know how to go
our eyes can only stare a distance
near or far we chosen choose
and shape ourselves to fit the speed of imminence
always at a fear to loose
if keeping keeps bad
then finding finds good
swallowed into the momentum of certainty
both ways diverge though
that the new is its sakes own
and the old earned best
such are the paths consumed
that box that holds the precious things
(you know which one)
by taking and holding
ferocious here and there
is a tarnished thing
by hands that want their share
for each desire marks what’s fair
and who are we to say?
our bodies still
we see the distance closely
and move within
such is faith
that every step leaps
into leaping
whichever way we go
how we shall pass
holds the question
to where we find ourselves
revealed in the lines of our eyes