xxxxx - take care



it sings because the middle is an end and end beginning new



take care and


don’t take something unless you know the place for it

the world speaks in degrees of appropriateness


such that, a thing in its place

isn’t proper unless it’s true


attention reveals itself in the shape of thoughts

and thoughts formed in subjects discerned


in this, to each person the world speaks in worlds

calling through promises in the thoughts and things about us


the world speaks in degrees of appropriateness

we hope you will know by the whispers within you


take care





the products of reason belong to no one.

possessing, through the illusion of their possession,

the possessed become consumed with their consumptions.

and injustice is freed where mercy risks the surety of giving

in the form of credit that give the world its shape,

and shape it to its reasons.


xxxxix - prelude to its ending



no home prime

impossible spiral transparency.png

a prelude to its ending

is ever where we are    


comfortable creatures

throwing tantrums 

shapes a privilege  

around the inside ocean heaving

with the winds


is greatly


rising in its undulating


your prow is gilded be sure

the lifeboats have two oars




is what we see because

we are predators all

the strength in the world comes

in two forms what

we fear and what's


so skyward

heaves the sea equal with

momentum to its falling

it knows


tumult or peace a measure as

if reaching for

itself drawn

flat at its own end 

a prelude


the horizons pull

is the romance of our ending 




The Season of Phantasmal Peace

Then all the nations of birds lifted together

the huge net of the shadows of this earth

in multitudinous dialects, twittering tongues,

stitching and crossing it. They lifted up

the shadows of long pines down trackless slopes,

the shadows of glass-faced towers down evening streets,

the shadow of a frail plant on a city sill—

the net rising soundless as night, the birds' cries soundless, until

there was no longer dusk, or season, decline, or weather,

only this passage of phantasmal light

that not the narrowest shadow dared to sever.

And men could not see, looking up, what the wild geese drew,

what the ospreys trailed behind them in silvery ropes

that flashed in the icy sunlight; they could not hear

battalions of starlings waging peaceful cries,

bearing the net higher, covering this world

like the vines of an orchard, or a mother drawing

the trembling gauze over the trembling eyes

of a child fluttering to sleep;

                                                     it was the light

that you will see at evening on the side of a hill

in yellow October, and no one hearing knew

what change had brought into the raven's cawing,

the killdeer's screech, the ember-circling chough

such an immense, soundless, and high concern

for the fields and cities where the birds belong,

except it was their seasonal passing, Love,

made seasonless, or, from the high privilege of their birth,

something brighter than pity for the wingless ones

below them who shared dark holes in windows and in houses,

and higher they lifted the net with soundless voices

above all change, betrayals of falling suns,

and this season lasted one moment, like the pause

between dusk and darkness, between fury and peace,

but, for such as our earth is now, it lasted long.

Derek Walcott

xxxxviii - a prison of simplicity



composites composed

mouse sceptor double layer mask.png


This is the Wartime Broadcasting Service. This country has been attacked with nuclear weapons. Communications have been severely disrupted, and the number of casualties and the extent of the damage are not yet known. We shall bring you further information as soon as possible. Meanwhile, stay tuned to this wavelength, stay calm and stay in your own homes.

Remember there is nothing to be gained by trying to get away. By leaving your homes you could be exposing yourselves to greater danger.

If you leave, you may find yourself without food, without water, without accommodation and without protection. Radioactive fall-out, which follows a nuclear explosion, is many times more dangerous if you are directly exposed to it in the open. Roofs and walls offer substantial protection. The safest place is indoors.

Make sure gas and other fuel supplies are turned off and that all fires are extinguished. If mains water is available, this can be used for fire-fighting. You should also refill all your containers for drinking water after the fires have been put out, because the mains water supply may not be available for very long.

Water must not be used for flushing lavatories: until you are told that lavatories may be used again, other toilet arrangements must be made. Use your water only for essential drinking and cooking purposes. Water means life. Don't waste it.

Make your food stocks last: ration your supply, because it may have to last for 14 days or more. If you have fresh food in the house, use this first to avoid wasting it: food in tins will keep.

If you live in an area where a fall-out warning has been given, stay in your fall-out room until you are told it is safe to come out. When the immediate danger has passed the sirens will sound a steady note. The "all clear" message will also be given on this wavelength. If you leave the fall-out room to go to the lavatory or replenish food or water supplies, do not remain outside the room for a minute longer than is necessary.

Do not, in any circumstances, go outside the house. Radioactive fall-out can kill. You cannot see it or feel it, but it is there. If you go outside, you will bring danger to your family and you may die. Stay in your fall-out room until you are told it is safe to come out or you hear the "all clear" on the sirens.

Here are the main points again:

Stay in your own homes, and if you live in an area where a fall-out warning has been given stay in your fall-out room, until you are told it is safe to come out. The message that the immediate danger has passed will be given by the sirens and repeated on this wavelength. Make sure that the gas and all fuel supplies are turned off and that all fires are extinguished.

Water must be rationed, and used only for essential drinking and cooking purposes. It must not be used for flushing lavatories. Ration your food supply: it may have to last for 14 days or more.

e shall repeat this broadcast in two hours' time. Stay tuned to this wavelength, but switch your radios off now to save your batteries until we come on the air again. That is the end of this broadcast.



xxxxi - about the cosmic cliche' or



the angel number so they say

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about the cosmic cliché


the suffering of success


there is no such except

they say

you should say the thing you’re scared to say

because that is the sharing that speaks in the voice of courage



is the kinder you are

the more you’re afraid to say

as if you’re bad inside

because fear and courage are not the whole of it

they are just nice things

galloping on their success

whatever that means

is a way

or way off

because there is a way to say


and then for the sayer


we will listen for us

left unsaying

for what is said

what they mean is to speak in a way we cannot say

what they mean is to speak

in a way we cannot say

impotent (whispers the magic of words makes our sadness a fecund mind)

when we need the words to speak for us

neither knew no words were eithers

or everyone’s

or else our ego’s follow

indicating inauthentic

or worse

the authentic indicator

or both

are you keeping up with this?

(what it says in you,

you are saying)

and here you’ll assume

you know you’re right

to judge the either

with your own authentic you

and maybe you’ll start to say

what you see everyone else isn’t saying

or can’t say

or maybe like us

they don’t have anything

until there’s something

such is our desperation

that desperation is the condition to flourish cherishing

like blood on the wall

or an unwanted love

or a stunning sense of beauty

or an embarrassed hatred

or an empty stomach

or a barren womb

or a work done well

or a washing revelation

or a union of divisions

or a grey sunny day

or a steak for a dog

or the extinction of species

or the death of a wonderful thought

or the felling of ancient trees

or the birth of dread in a child

or the love that keeps us waking

or the habit of our said

creation comes in the shape of before we can say



even putting down these first few words makes me aware of an emerging rhythm, a pattern of repetition, and consequently of an attention to what has been written that will tell me what to write, as if the first few words were seeds already intending the plant they would become, as if they were anticipating the earth they would occupy and own, if not adorn, the nettles they would form, the allergies they would eventually exacerbate. that is: the sentence seeks its fulfilling form.

William Gass